Knock John Fort |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Essex / BBMS (1966) The Knock John Fort in The Thames Estuary is pictured here, the home of Radio Essex from the former second world war navy fort. This will look superb on your office or study wall...... |
Red Sands Fort |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
KING / Invicta / Radio 390 (1966) Red Sands, the second world war army fort in The Thames Estuary was the home of K-I-N-G, Radio Invicta and Radio 390. This moody, superb print will look great on your office or study wall...... |
m.v. Mebo II |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Northsea International (1970) The m.v. Mebo II the home of RNI is pictured here, photographed off the coast of Holland in 1970. This print will look superb on your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
m.v. Tiri 2 |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Hauraki (1967) The m.v. Tiri is pictured here, New Zealand's only offshore radio ship. A rare and superb print to own for your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
m.v. King David |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Capital Radio (1970) The m.v. King David is pictured here, anchored off the coast of Holland. A superb picture to own, plus this will look great in your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
m.v. Magdelana |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Mi Amigo (1974) The m.v. Magdelana is pictured here off the coast of Holland. The home for a short while of Radio Mi Amigo. This print will look superb on your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame... |
m.v. Jeanine |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Atlantis (1974) m.v. Jeanine was the home of the fun sounding Radio Atlantis in 1974. Photographed off the coast of Belgium this print will look great on your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
m.v. Ross Revenge |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Caroline (1983) with single tower The m.v. Ross Revenge, photographed off the Essex coast. The home of Radio Caroline and Radio Monique during the 1980's. This was one of the last Offshore Radio Ships to be commissioned and shows the full 300' tower, the tallest contruction on a ship anywhere in the world...... |
m.v. Mi Amigo |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Radio Caroline (1972) port view The m.v. Mi Amigo is seen here in 1972 off the coast of Holland. This print will look superb on your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
m.v. Communicator (558) |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Laser 558 (1984) The m.v. Communicator is seen here off the Essex coast. A great print to have on your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
m.v. Communicator (Hot Hits) |
Format: Photograph |
Price: £12.50 |
Condition: New/Mint |
Laser Hot Hits (1986) The m.v. Communicator is seen here off the coast of Essex. A great print to have on your office or study wall. Black & White 10'' x 8'' print in black edged glass frame.... |
RNI Picture Souvenir Book 1999 |
Format: Book |
Price: £10.00 |
Condition: New/Mint |
This book was published following the RNI 30th anniversay tribute broadcast off the coast of Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. See what happened behind the scenes when people involved with the original RNI get together again...... |